Friday, 7 February 2014

What have I been up too?

'7:30pm' cupcake / slight selfie in office elevator / healthy lunch on shoot / outfit featuring fur scarf* /
Glamour shoot breakfast / reception selfie / playing around with prop / accessory heaven on shoot /
Bathroom selfie with favourite t-shirt / pic of fashion cupboard / close up of outfit / MONLO BLAHNIK's (omgee) /
featured on Company weekly edit (ahhh) / holding an amazing designer dress.

Hey guys, so a long overdue post, I know. I have been interning/freelancing/working like crazy and so I haven't had enough time to sit at a Computer (unless work related of course).
Throughout the past few weeks, I have been interning at Company magazine; which was a blast. Met some cool people, assisted on an amazing shoot and received some amazing goodies.

On the first day I was introduced to the wonderful fashion team, and then onto my office for the next few weeks; with my own email, computer and sense of Hearst Identity (result!) Gained so many skills, and built relationships with PR's as well as gain compliments from them which literally put a smile on my face.

A short post for now, but there will be a Company magazine post real soon. I also have a few amazing opportunities coming up, which I am so excited about, and hopefully I will be posting more OOTD picks alongside more beauty reviews.

Intern biscuit goodies c/o Label PR

Chimere x

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