Friday, 3 January 2014


Ok, so unlike other bloggers, fashionistas and normal people. I'm doing my end of 2013 on the 3rd day of 2014, and I don't have thousands of previous outfits posts, because well..there aren't any. Hey, I've had a lot of things going on, especially some new and upcoming projects in the mix. But hey, ho..better late than never right?

So like some typical young adult (not party crazed at all) on New Years Eve, a few of my friends and I thought it would be great to celebrate 2014 in style. How amazing was it that it ended up.. completely different!

The night featured, eating McDonalds in the car, lots and lots of rain, party swapping and a soaking 50p. (Dont ask).
I can't say that is wasn't memorable though.

Although it isn't shown in my rare blog posts this year (I blame it has been a busy year; graduation, internships, interviews, travelling and working, as well as starting an amazing freelance position.

Some of my achievements were gaining a BA degree, being featured on the Company magazine website (OMG!), interning at some amazing publications (some not so great. ahem.) and celebrating with amazing friends and family.

Sorry, I'm still shocked and amazed....

2013 has been a good year, but could have been better. I'm not going to delve into the 'New Year, new me' crap; too cliché and I don't really relegate for the 'new me' part. How about, new year, same me; but with different tactics in getting my achievements.

Hopefully 2014, will bring some more posts, more OOTD's and amazing collaborations.

TO 2014! Im ready for ya!.

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome that one of your outfits made an appearance on Company's website! :D
